Foil: Your right to Know.
Attention registered Democrats in the 97th Assembly District! There is an important primary election on June 25th, which should be on your radar.
Eudson Francois for New York State Assembly in the 97th District

Eudson Tyson Francois and Aron Wieder are facing off in the Democratic Primary for NYS Assembly in the 97th District, which encompasses the Town of Orangetown, Chestnut Ridge, Spring Valley, Monsey and parts of Pomona. The differences between Eudson and Aron could not be more stark.
Eudson is a strong advocate for defending and fully funding the public schools, and he supports a state takeover of the East Ramapo School District. Aron Wieder is not a strong advocate for public schools, and as a former member of the East Ramapo School Board, do you think he would ever vote to allow New York State to override the board? Not likely!
Eudson staunchly opposes the proposed Faith Based Housing Act, which would bring on a glut of high-density housing, segregated by race and religion, under the direct control of religious clerics. It is safe to assume that Aron Weider would eagerly support any such bill.
More specifically, Eudson strongly supports a bill currently pending in the NYS Assembly, authored by Ken Zebrowski that will impose a Financial Control Board on the East Ramapo School District and will provide a $20 Million cash infusion to get the district back on track. He also believes that all school districts should have the right to elect school board members from within wards and would vote for any bill to make that possible.
The proposed Faith Based Housing Act, which Eudson opposes, would allow religious groups to build as many as 50 units per acre by right, with scant environmental or local review, and would be a disaster for our municipalities and neighborhoods. The disturbing fact is that the bill has numerous cosponsors on both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican alike. We will need every available vote in the Assembly, including Eudson’s, to defeat it, or any other future bill with similar intent.
If you are a registered Democrat in the 97the please be certain to cast your vote for Eudson Tyson Francois for New York State Assembly in the 97th District. The primary election is on Tuesday June 25th and early voting has already begun.
A sample ballot is attached at the bottom of the page below.
Vince Sykes for Spring Valley Justice

A closer look at the upcoming June 25th, Democratic Primary for Spring Valley Village Justice reveals a scenario that, sadly, has become par for the course in Spring Valley.
There is one Village Justice position up for election this year with three candidates vying for the post: Vince Sykes, Justin Sweet and Antonine Amisial.
Vince Sykes is a practicing attorney in the Village of Spring Valley who has maintained his office on Main Street for more than twelve years and represented thousands of residents in cases including civil rights, employment discrimination, immigration issues, landlord/tenant disputes, and more. Vince is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, a family man, father of four, who remarkably, had a previous career as an electrical engineer!
Justin Sweet is the former Clarkstown Clerk who recently lost his bid for Town Supervisor and is looking for a new gig. Sweet ran for State Senate back in 2020 where he lost the Democratic primary but not before receiving the Hasidic Bloc vote in that contest, which doesn’t happen by accident. He lives in Clarkstown, and as far as we know has never practiced law nor lived or worked in the village of Spring Valley.
Antonine Amisial is not an attorney and has no legal experience we know of. She is backed by Vilair Fonvil, who has a track record of helping candidates get on the ballot that end up splitting the vote such that the candidate favored by Hasidic leaders wins the election rather than a more worthy candidate of color.
It’s not hard to figure out what’s going on here.
Vince Sykes is running for all the right reasons, with the right experience, and if elected will serve as an honest arbiter of affairs for the people of Spring Valley.
If past is prologue, Sweet appears to be the candidate favored by Hasidic leaders whom they apparently trust to do their bidding, first and foremost, in the execution of his duties as Spring Valley Justice.
Amisial appears to be running as the spoiler, to split the minority vote, so that the man from Clarkstown, Justin Sweet, will win by the margin of the Bloc vote, and be installed as the reliable puppet of Hasidic leaders.
Enough said. You know what to do.
Vote for Vince Sykes for Spring Valley Justice
The election is this coming Tuesday June 25th. Early voting has already begun.
See the sample ballot at the bottom of the page, and visit the Board of Elections Primary Day Information for more.
Thank you,
Mike Parietti