Foil: Your right to Know.

New12 has a program Tuesday night, November 1st, at 7 pm regarding the dismal enforcement of Building and Fire codes in Rockland and beyond. The information gathered from CUPON and The Illegal Housing Taskforce by Tara Rosenblum, the reporter covering the last 10 years, is startling. She covers all levels of government from the villages, towns, county, and state in this devastating expose. It brings front and center the neglect our elected officials allow to exist with little or no repercussions from the Governor on down the official chain. Below is a 5-minute snippet of the 30-minute program she will present on Tuesday, and there will be follow-ups in the coming weeks.
Everyone should watch this to get an understanding of the magnitude of the danger to our residents due to corruption and neglect.
Click here to see five minute preview.
Micheal Miller