Welcome Back!

Well, it took a little longer than we expected to update and fit a new design on the site, but after 19 years, some of the older routines and interconnections were accumulating some rust. It was time for an overhaul.

There are a couple of areas I would like to point your attention to—first, the green tab bar right below the title of the Website at the top of Home. The resources listed across that bar are excellent sources of information on a number of issues relevant to all of us. Be sure to check the second item on the line—CUPON and ROSA. These organizations are fighting for intelligent planning and development here in Ramapo. CUPON has grown at an amazing rate, and there’s probably a chapter in your neighborhood. Check these sites regularly for news. (On your phone, you won’t see this green line with the seven links. Instead, in the upper right-hand corner of your Home page you’ll see three stacked lines. That “hamburger” will open up to a vertical drop-down list of the same seven sites and the links.)  

Second, are the “Dorothy” buttons. These will get you quickly back Home, after you’ve dropped down a level or two to check stories or search items. On a laptop/desktop there’s always the Home button that will appear in the banner at the top, and that banner will follow you almost anywhere in-site. On your phone and smaller tablets, you won’t see that Home link, but you can click on the image of the tree right next to the name Preserve Ramapo. That will get you back. And finally, while you’re scrolling down a page, a small black square will appear on the bottom right of the page. It has an arrow pointing up, and it will scroll back up to the top of the page. Not exactly back home, but quickly back up to where you started on that page. (On your phone, the arrow will likely be visible only when you’re reading in the horizontal mode.)

Finally, thanks to all who have followed us through the disastrous St. Lawrence Era, and the federal court’s house cleaning that dismantled that administration. Many of the problems, unfortunately, persist, and your attention is still critical. Bad decisions and corruption thrive in the dark.

Michael Castelluccio